Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Hope Project

Hi believers :-)
Please read the below and consider doing as I have done - making another pledge, and then forwarding (copy and paste) this to every Christian you know in NZ, but with your own note at the top.
I wholeheartedly believe this project is needed - and pray you do the same. 
We will not communicate the Christian message clearly with every home in our nation next year without this - nor have we done so for 30 or more years in our nation, even though there is nothing to stop us from doing so. This is needed!
If we could connect this to a sizable group through emails, we could still pull this one off!


God Bless

Next year is the Gospel bicentenary in Aotearoa-New Zealand
 - and we could lose our greatest opportunity.
Do you believe it is important that the Christian message is somehow shared with all New Zealanders?

Would you help ensure the Gospel got to every home in NZ, if you had the opportunity?

If a team of people existed with a plan that could accomplish this, and their vision was going to fall over without your help - would you help?
This is the current situation!
-       The plan is ready to go - but we are $840,000 short of our '7 months to go' target.  
-       We are about to lost this opportunity... ...unless God's people stand to say otherwise.

What's the 'Hope Project' plan?
-       As a part of the bicentenary celebrations, the 'Jesus - all about hope' project is seeking to engage NZers in a conversation about Christian faith (sharing the Christian message) through multimedia in the Easter period - connecting with every home - which we've not done in NZ for 30 years. 
-       If you don't know about it, check out the vision at www.hopeproject.co.nz  
-       Check out some references at www.hopeproject.co.nz/references

The need: The project needs another $840,000 pledged by 9am on Monday 19th of August, 2013, to continue.

The solution: If we could we find 1000 people before 19th August who would give $200 - $5000, then the Gospel would go to every home, not only in their community - but in our nation - next year!
-       This is about the Gospel of Jesus, very well communicated, with reasons and stories to support, through a multimedia 'conversation' crafted by media professionals. 
-       It will be well presented, engaging, and hope-inspiring (See the website!).
-       This will bring life! 

Summary:  This won't happen unless a number of NZ believers stand and do something now to ensure it does.

Will you help make this happen?
- Please (1) pledge now at www.hopeproject.co.nz/donate   
- Then (2) forward this email, with your endorsement, to every believer you know in Aotearoa - so every home can hear.

Please make a decision now - because if you 'wait and see what happens', nothing will happen!  What will you do?

   "...how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" 
(Romans 10.14).
With thanks
Dave Mann 

Hope Project Coordinator            (www.hopeproject.co.nz)

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