Saturday, 26 July 2008

Massive Storm hits Whangarei (weather BOMB)

of course they advised don't go outside and travel on the what do Scott and Brendan do they go out on the the Roads and have a little adventure to see what storm damage had been done here is a little bit of there adventure. More photos of Brendan and Scotties Storm Chasing adventures (more)

Scottie waiting for his Bus maybe boat. After this photo we meet two police officers who were looking for two men who left from Whangarei Falls on Tyre tubes (what idiots)


Friday, 25 July 2008

Yeah.. It went well the baby has Turned!!!! No C section or early baby

Thanks for your prayers today. Renate and baby are well. Renate went into hospital today to have the baby manually turned into the correct position. The midwife and hospital staff did an amazing job. So now the 3 week countdown. We will keep you posted with further baby news later.

Prayer points
- Pray for Renate as she gets to the final countdown of having baby number two.
- that we find the right car for the right price soon. We are now desperate to get a family car that we can all fit in.

Please Pray for Renate Today!!!!!!!

Please pray for Renate
- the obstetrician is turning her baby today as it
is breach. The baby is due to be born on August 15th. So they are rushing
her in as this is the safest window of opportunity to Turn baby around.
There is the slight chance the baby could get distressed and they would then
need to do a C section today. Pray for the health of Renate and baby.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Slykerman's need a new Car!!!

Scottie, Renate, Jesse & the bump need a new car!!!

We have been looking for a car since Jesse was born in 2006. We finally have found one we like and suits our family and mission needs.

Its a 7 seater 2001 Mazda MPV thats a new import into NZ. We have it put aside untill Wednesday for us to find the rest of the finance we are short.

We have managed to save most of the amount but are $3000 short. Would you consider making a one off donation or provide us with a interest free loan.

We have the AA testing the car out everything so far is looking good.

If you can help contact Scottie Urgently 021782547 or 4386059

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